2017 Summer Light Greeting
a rainy season is over and summer is at its peak
sunlight is direct and intense, yet it will twinkle on a water,
multiple of lanterns
at the festival make us excite
summer makes many lighting expressions
continuing hot days in Tokyo
take care yourselves and do enjoy your Summer!
Nagoya TOYOPET Dankei-Dori Showroom
(Architect:Tange Associates / Nagoya, Aichi. Japan)
New Lighting Scheme for the Auto Showroom
We have been commissioned to light new type of car showroom in Toyota car showroom in Nagoya. This showroom is quite unique for providing spaces for surrounding communities for a public usage. The client of this showroom holds top position in sales of Toyota cars around the world. Thus, Dankei Showroom not only to show and sale the cars but to liberated their portion of showroom to the surrounding communities. As according to their motto, NTP or “nice to people” reflects their philosophy into this showroom and many showrooms to come in the future. ALG have provided new lighting by using lighting techniques to welcome communities to enjoy their new spaces.
(movie:2x speed)
PASONA Headquarter “JOB HUB SQUARE” Facade Light-up
Otemachi, Tokyo. Japan
Pasona Group entertaining with Japanese Color In front of the Tokyo Station
A human resource company, Pasona Group, on July 3, 2017 has opened their new headquarter from two buildings next to the original headquarter site. ALG was commissioned to light up two separating buildings somehow to create total oneness in the headquarter. By carefully balancing the budget and attaining new identity, we have employed RGB spot lights to light up portions of both separated buildings to coordinate in color changing scenes. The selected colors were set at 15 seconds to make people aware of new changes in buildings as well as to entertain incoming international people with Japanese seasonal colors.
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