2020 Summer Light Greeting
─ Best wishes for the summer season ─
It’s the season that the pure blue-sky shines brightly.
May your days be always shining brilliantly like the powerful summer light.
We uploaded a video introducing the light planning of OVOL Nihonbashi Building, which won the Good lighting Award 2018.
ALG has launched a video project to convey the appeal of light in a more familiar way. In the near future, we plan to upload a video introducing our works and some interview videos with lighting designers. Do not miss it, please.
*You can see the archive of videos released so far on Vimeo.
OVOL Nihonbashi Building
To Inherit tradition and identity of City’s Culture by Façade Light Up
■Architect:Takenaka Corporation
■Location:Nihonbashi-Muromachi, Tokyo, JAPAN
Lighting Handbook 3rd edition
The 3rd edition of the Illuminating Handbook by The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ) will be published by Ohmsha on August 27th. The lighting designer Miho Konishi is in charge of writing Part 10-Chapter 1 “History of Lighting Design” with the lighting designer Hiroyasu Shoji. [more]
■Publishing Date:August 27th, 2020
■Author:The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ)
■Publishing Office:Ohmsha
Writing/Media History
2020.04.01【Writing】Journal of the illuminating engineering institute of Japan vol.104 NO.4 – Feature : The Experience of Planning, Writing and Editing of Journal of IEIJ
2020.01.01【Writing】Journal of the illuminating engineering institute of Japan vol.104 NO.1 – Editorial Note
【Light + Health-Science】
“Light and Sterilization” Series
Since March 2020, the “Light and Sterilization” series has been serialized on the ALG blog “Light +”.
This winter, there was the new coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic in the world. It is said that one of the methods to prevent the spread of infection is sterilization by light, which utilizes bactericidal action.
【Light + Space】
“Telework and light” Series
The introduction of telework in the business world is accelerating for many reasons, including work style reform, prevention of global warming, and prevention of new coronavirus infection. Arranging the lighting environment of your workspace will lead to the improvement of your work efficiency.
【Light + Health-Science】
“WELL Certification” Series
“WELL Certification” is a building environment evaluation system that adds a perspective of “human health” to the design of spaces. In terms of lighting design, we have been trying to design a physically, mentally and socially good lighting environment from the beginning.
【Light + SDGs】
“Towards a low carbon society” Series
While figuring out the current state of global warming, which is one of the causes of environmental destruction, we will describe initiatives and recommendations how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and realize a “low carbon society” from the aspects of architecture and lighting.
Web conference system “Microsoft Teams” introduced
ALG has introduced the WEB conference system “Microsoft Teams” as a response to the spread of COVID-19 infection. We will also contribute to the reform of work styles and the achievement of the SDGs goals by sharing information, improving work efficiency, and making paperless by inporting Microsoft Teams.
* Excerpts from the practice report “Work Style Reform NEXT”, a teleworking initiative that utilizes Microsoft Teams of Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.
#Light always with us
A message from ALG regarding the new coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic “#Light always with us” has been posted on Instagram.
Catch up us on SNS
■Light +
【Updated every Tuesday】We describe the seasonal scenes and interesting words from the perspective of the lighting designer.
Serialized :“Telework and light” Series
■12 Light Proverbs August
【Updated on the 1st of every month】Once a month, we will introduce a proverb about light and consider about what “light is”.
⇒http://alg.jp/12 Light Proverbs
“For those who have lived correctly, old age is something that is calm, soft and beautiful, like the setting sun.” by James Allen
Providing various expressions of light, from daily natural light to project photos.
Sharing information about projects designed by ALG and events and articles regarding to light.
ALGはworld-architets に所属しています。