2024.07.31 News Notice:Our Summer holiday (Obon holiday) We will be closed for the Summer holiday (Obon holiday) from August 13th through August 18th. We will resume working from August 19th. We apologize for your inconvenience during this period.
2023.12.18 News Notice:Our New Year’s holiday We will be closed for the New Year’s holiday from December 28th through January 4th. We will resume working from January 5th. Thank you for all your kind support of this year and continuous help for new year.
2023.11.20 News (日本語) IALD JAPAN主催・国際セミナー「Enlighten Asia in Japan 2023」のパネルディスカッション「広がる SDGs の世界でととのう照明とは?!」を小西美穂が企画・モデレーションいたしました。 Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.
2023.11.10 News (日本語) 【講義】早稲田大学 芸術学校の講義に小西美穂が登壇いたしました。 Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.
2023.10.30 News (日本語) IALD Japanが主催する国際セミナー「Enlighten Asia in Japan 2023」のパネルディスカッション「広がる SDGs の世界でととのう照明とは?!」 を小西美穂が企画・モデレーション致します。 Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.
2023.07.28 News Notice:Our Summer holiday (Obon holiday) We will be closed for the Summer holiday (Obon holiday) from August 11th through August 16th. We will resume working from August 17th. We apologize for your inconvenience during this period.