2016.10.19 Light+ArtSpace ロマネスク建築 (3) – ル・トロネ修道院~光と祈りの空間~ Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.
2016.10.14 Light+ArtSpace (日本語) ロマネスク建築 (2) – ル・トロネ修道院~光による明暗のコントラスト~ Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.
2016.10.01 12 Light Proverbsproverbs-2016- “By having Air, Light and friends’love , there will be a Way” “By having Air, Light and friends’love , there will be a Way” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
2016.09.27 Light+ArtSpace (日本語) ロマネスク建築 (1) – 小さい窓から射し込む光の効果 Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.
2016.09.01 12 Light Proverbsproverbs-2016- “There will the Light, as long as we hold on to an Ideal!” “There will the Light, as long as we hold on to an Ideal!” by Takahiro Sonoda
2016.08.26 Light+Education, ChildrenSpace (日本語) 大学の光環境 – 目にやさしい照明計画 Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.
2016.08.17 Light+Education, ChildrenSpace (日本語) 大学の光環境 – 空間に適した光環境の構築 Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.