Journal of Science and Technology in Lighting Vol.103 No.9, 2019
Journal of Science and Technology in Lighting Vol.103 No.9, 2019 which Miho Konishi, ALG’s Lighting Director, planned, edited, and wrote the article “17 Sustainable Development Goals to change the world and creating new values in lighting industry” publishe.
In this special article, specialists beyond the industrial fields collaborate to feature the lighting industry based on SDGs for coming 2030.
In the article”Lighting Design for 2030 from SDGs”, Miho Konishi suggested the new roles and values from the Lighting Designer’s point of view.
Journal of Science and Technology in Lighting Vol.103 No.9, 2019
Special Issue “17 Sustainable Development Goals to change the world and creating new values in lighting industry”
【Publishing Office】
【Publishing Date】
September 1st, 2019
Inaugural Speech/ Hisanori Toyoshima
【The Point of the Special Issues】
New Values for the Lighting Industry / Miho Konishi